See The Status Of Your Divorce


Your client number can be found at the bottom left corner of any document you receive from us.

Click “Questions Answered” Above to see what your search results mean.


Updated 1-15-25



New Filings

For all divorces that were scheduled to be filed with the court on 

1-9-25 and before

the summons will be sent to you or your spouse on


Divorce Judgments

ALL Rockingham County judgments scheduled for 

1-6-25 and before

have been granted and will be mailed on



Divorces scheduled for the

current week should be ready next week.


Please be patient with the court as it is processing your divorce as quickly as it can.

If your results return a “false” in the “Judgment Granted” line we are still waiting for your judgment

If your results return a “true” in the “Judgment Granted” line your judgment has been granted and is in the mail on it’s way to you.

Thank You From the Divorce Clinic


Most recent update

