How to Use the Search Page
Enter your client number in the search box, then press search. (Your client number can be found at the bottom left corner of any document you receive from us.)
What Your Search Results Mean
“Client Number”, row 1, shows the number you entered but no dates are visible below the client number – This means that your case has been entered into our database, but we have not received your signed documents.
“File Date”, row 2, has a date but there are no other dates below it – This means that we have received your documents and have set a day to deliver your papers to the court. If the date is in the past it means we have already filed your divorce with the court and are awaiting your spouse’s signed and notarized papers, or we are waiting to receive confirmation from the sheriff or process server that your spouse has been served.If 4 weeks after filing no judgment date appears in either row 4 or row 5, call us at 704-333-8808.
“Additional Summons”, row 3, has a date – A small percentage of our clients require an additional summons be sent to their spouse. If your divorce required an additional summons that summons’ issue date will be visible.If after 4 weeks of issuance no judgment date appears in either row 4 or row 5, call us at 704-333-8808.
“Clerk Judgment Date”, row 4, Updated to: “Submit Clerk Judgment” has a date – Few clients will see a date here. If your search returns a Clerk Judgment Date, but the date has not come to pass, it means that we have received your spouse’s signed papers, or the sheriff or process server, has successfully served your spouse. It also indicates the date we plan to file your divorce for final judgment. Final judgments are normally returned by the court within 15 days of the filing of final judgment but can sometimes take longer due to holidays or other court activity. We mail your judgment to you the day it is received.
“Default Judgment or Civil District Court Judgment Date”, row 5, has a date – If your search returns a District Court date but that date has not come to pass, it means that we have received your spouse’s signed papers, or that the sheriff or process server, has successfully served your spouse. It also indicates the tentative date we plan to file your divorce for final judgment. Final judgments are normally, but not always, returned to us by the court buy the end of the week. We mail your judgment to you the day it is received.
“Judgment Granted”, row 6, shows “True or “False” – (This feature is only accurate for divorces granted from January 1st 2019 and later)Your search result will read “False” for two reasons. The first reason is that your divorce has yet to be reviewed by the court. The second is that the court has reviewed your divorce but it was not granted. When the results return “True” your divorce has been granted. The “false” result is updated to “true” on the same day we mail your certified judgment to you.